
Community Innovation Workshops – Networks and Networking

Creating change is not that easy but luckily for us, we have some good workshops that can help you make the change you wish to see in your world! Come to our next Community Innovation Workshop – Presented by the University of Texas, United Way Capital Area and Hands On Central Texas. Networks and NetworkingLearn different types of networks, how to cultivate them, and how to use them. This workshop emphasizes developing meaningful, sustainable relationships and using those relationships as the basis for effective collaboration. Thursday, June 26, 20086:00-7:30pmUnited Way Offices: 2000 E. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Austin, TX 78702Register Here!Check out the full Workshop schedule here or go to our website at Mando Director, Hands On Central Texas

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Burners Without Borders at our Spring Day of Caring

A big thanks to Patrick and his crew for sending us this update on their volunteer project! Many thanks to all who attended the second in our daycare assistance project!! Burners Without Borders is making a huge difference in safety and appearance on this site and we can all feel a sense of pride in knowing it was our sweat (and blood) that is bringing about this change. You are being the change you wish to see in the world and I appreciate your effort. It was an awesome turnout during one of the busiest times of our Flipside calendar. I know how precious time can be to us right now. We got lots accomplished! That pesky metal slide finally met its match. Unfortunately, when we got on-site, there was a traffic jam in the sandbox. But a fresh coat of paint and some safer screening made all the difference. We really shaped up the grounds as well, providing a safer environment for the kiddies. And, last but not least, that bunker… Before! Halfway done with it!!! We also had some really awesome BBQ, featuring the best batch of chopped brisket sandwiches I have ever made (YUM). So, we will also need one more work day to finish off this project. It will be fairly soon after Flipside, so stay tuned! Patrick

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How to Live United from Rich Harwood

Richard C. Harwood, founder and president of The Harwood Institute for Public Innovation, provides ten meaningful and important ways to Live United: We must help people in our communities to see and hear those individuals who are different from themselves, or who live in other parts of the community. At the heart of living united is the ability to see beyond ourselves so that we can begin to understand and work on common challenges, or support others who face challenges different from our own. We must root our work in the public knowledge of our community – for instance, in how people see and define their concerns, the values they wrestle with, the aspirations they hold for themselves, their neighbors, and their community. This public knowledge then must be used to inform the ways in which we do our work internally and the how we shape our programs and initiatives. We must act as boundary spanners in our communities, working to bring people and organizations together across real and imagined dividing lines. Too many efforts these days are fragmented, isolated, or even redundant. We must find ways to work across boundaries and leverage one another’s efforts. We must focus on undertaking “galvanizing projects” – efforts that by their very nature bring people together and demonstrate that we can step forward and work collectively. In these efforts, impact is less important than galvanizing people’s sense of connection and momentum. We need early wins and they must visible to everyone. We must […]

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Our trip to Camp Mabry

On Friday, May 23 a group of UWCA’ers took Col. Tom Palladino up on an offer to tour the Texas Military Forces Museum at Camp Mabry. Who knew that so much history was right here in our own backyard? We began our tour with a presentation by Col. Palladino about the history of the Texas Military Forces and the different Family Readiness programs like Partnerships Across Texas. Recently Partnerships Across Texas has been teaming up with 211’s all over Texas to provide assistance to members of the Texas Military Forces and their families. Col. Palladino has been at the forefront of pairing up these agencies, along with serving as a Loaned Executive and a member of the Local Federal Coordinating Committee for the Central Texas Combined Federal Campaign (and a member of the many, many other organizations with whom he is involved). There was a brief presentation on the history of the museum, then we were free to roam about the place. There were so many different exhibits; I had no idea how extensive it was. My favorite things were the dioramas. Some were put together by local middle school students. Pretty impressive! I think Liz’s favorite things were the artifacts in the main hall. She couldn’t resist climbing into one of them– A special shout out to Col. Tom Palladino and his team for the informative and entertaining tour of the museum. Thanks so much for all that you do! For more information on the Texas Military Forces Museum […]

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United Way Spirit of Caring Awards Photos

All photos in this post are from Eric Hegwer Photography, Many thanks to Eric for his work at the Spirit of Caring Awards and his permission for reuse of the photos! Texas Representative Mark Strama Emily Moreland of Moreland Properties, and Don Kendrick and Kathy Bolner of Wells Fargo All of the award winners and speakers From left to right: Event Co-Chair Russell Bridges, President’s Award Winner Dick Moeller, Mark Finger from National Instruments (winner of the 2008 Spirit of Caring Award), David Balch, Event Co-Chair Amy Wong Mok, Campaign Cabinet Co-Chair Bill Wilson, Board Chair Ann Smalling, Community Catalyst Award recipient Obed Franco, Campaign Cabinet Co-Chair Tom Snead, Armando Rayo, and 2008 Volunteer of the Year, Trisa Thompson. State Farm Insurance Employees Trisa Thompson, winner of the 2008 Volunteer of the Year Award, also celebrated her birthday that evening.

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Advocate for a City of Austin Hispanic Quality of Life Initiative!

Friends of United Way Capital Area & Hands On Central Texas, As many of you know, we started working on the Hispanic/Latino Community Engagement Initiative last year. We’ve taken some great first steps in learning from the Hispanic/Latino community and are in the process of gathering information from this community to publish our study and engagement tool, Making the Connection: An Examination of Volunteering & Community Engagement in the Greater Austin Hispanic/Latino Community. With that said, we have been working with Council Member Mike Martinez’s office to support a Hispanic Quality of Life Initiative. On Thursday, May 8th, Council Member Mike Martinez is leading the efforts by sponsoring an Austin City Council Resolution (Item#50) to initiate a Hispanic Quality of Life Initiative and directing the City Manager to incorporate into the Fiscal Year 08-09 Budget specific line items to support this effort. We ask that you help us advocate in the following ways… Attend the Press Conference, tomorrow Thursday, May 8th – At approximately 9:30am, Council Member Martinez will be hosting a press conference at City Hall to formally announce this new community initiative. We need your attendance and participation at the press event. Attend the Austin City Council meeting at 10am (following the press conference) – At approximately 10am on Thursday, May 8th (also at City Hall), the Austin City Council will address Item#50 during their consent agenda deliberations. We need your action and attendance to encourage the Austin City Council to vote in favor of Item#50. Spread the […]

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Another Great Day of Caring!

Wow! I just gotta say, “Volunteers are Awesome!” Y’know we’ve been doing this event for over 10 years now and it gets better every year! First of all, we’ve had corporate volunteers thinking “outside the office”, they did all kinds of community projects and I heard people are signing up to do more ongoing projects. Way cool! A big thank you to Freescale Semiconductor for supporting this Day of Caring and big bear hugs to Jignasha Patel and Tom Spencer for inspiring us to “be the change we wish to see in our world.” And now for your viewing pleasure, the Day of Caring slideshow….. But wait, there’s more! Check out Freescale working the MLK Peace Bench Project! And the NI “Eye of the Tiger” Video! MandoDirector, Hands On Central Texas

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Freescale employees have a dream………

During United Way’s Days of Caring on April 25, 2008 a team of Freescale employees came together to express their inspirations and creativity and to make a meaningful difference in the community. They participated in Hands On Central Texas’ MLK Peace Bench Project. Throughout the day they reflected on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s teachings of social justice by transforming wooden benches to a pieces of art! They choose MLK quotes for imprint on the benches, painted messages of peace and inspiring words. A total of fifteen “Peace Benches” were built on Friday. Hands On Central Texas through its service days will build 100 benches to foster community service and action in East Austin. The benches will be distributed to recreation centers, community/neighborhood centers and nonprofit organizations to promote social interaction and build a stronger sense of community. Thank you Freescale employees for your enthusiasm and passion! The designs you created are awesome. You are truly an amazing bunch! Thanks to Jill for sending us the link to all the photos! Please tell us about your volunteer experiences. Post a comment! Diana SantosCorporate and Volunteer Relations, Director

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NI Marketing–Spring Day of Caring

Check out this awesome video of the work the NI Marketing team did at our Success By 6 Child Care Facility. A big thank you to Yvette E. Ruiz for sharing this video with us. If you were there, don’t hesitate to comment on the project and your own experience at the Day of Caring. If you have pictures of your own from the day you’d like us to add to our blog, please send them to Enjoy the video!

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