
United Way's 1 Hour for Kids & State Campaign on Giving City Magazine

Do you know about GivingCity Magazine: Austin’s only volunteerism & philanthropy magazine? The magazine was started by Monica Williams and Torquil Dewar from October Custom Publishing. In their words, “GivingCity Austin offers content you won’t find anywhere else, in a modern format that’s easy to use. Inside you’ll find information that will help you … Find your causeStep up your community serviceBecome a community leaderCollaborate effortMaximize impact” And they do an amazing job! In this quarter’s issue, they cover over 20 nonprofits, causes and people including our 1 Hour For Kids initiative which helps connect more mentors and tutors to kids that need them and our work with the State Campaign. The magazine is free and download-able on their website. So if you want to learn more about doing good and the nonprofit sector, go download it now! Adelante,Mando

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Presidential Forum on Service: Service is integral to achieving our national priorities

Last week I attended the Presidential Forum on Service in College Station, TX. I was very excited to attend this event because not only was our President, Barack Obama was scheduled to speak but Service was the main theme of the event. It brought together both sides of the isle to celebrate former President George H.W. Bush and the 20 year anniversary of the thousand Points of Light initiative. Our national partner, Points of Light Institute and Hands On Network hosted the event that included people working in the service field, nonprofits, businesses and regular people who volunteer. Both Presidents discussed the value of service & volunteerism at the national level to the local level. President Obama emphasized how real change can happen by citizens doing their part in their communities and that government can not do it alone. I believe that to be true; change happens at the local level with people, in neighborhoods, connecting and making change happen. As the director of Community Engagement at United Way Capital Area and Hands On Central Texas I see first hand – people are changing communities, they are volunteering, giving back, taking on leadership roles and making sure their communities are connected. Taking this conversation to the national level is a great step for communities because “service and volunteering is not just a nice thing to do, but a necessity to achieving our national priorities” and tacking our communities most pressing issues. While I was there I was able to take […]

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It all goes back to middle school

Today’s Statesman editorial says it all: “If you want to fix high school, start with middle school.” Middle school, says University of Texas researcher Ed Fuller, is the gatekeeper for student success in high school and college. Students who do poorly in middle school — particularly on the eighth-grade math portion of the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills — are the ones most likely to fail ninth grade and eventually drop out. And low performers who do graduate from high school are less likely to be prepared for college work. So it all goes back to middle school. The Legislature and school superintendents should pay attention to this. Fortunately for Central Texas, 1 Hour For Kids and its partners are paying attention to this!

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Day of Caring — Pictures and Thank You!

On Friday, September 11, 2009 United Way’s Day of Caring was truly one of the most memorable United Way Days of Caring ever in the history of Central Texas. We kicked-off not only United Way’s Day of Caring event, but also the 2009 community-wide giving campaign. We started the day with a volunteer breakfast, followed by a tribute to those whose lives were lost on September 11, 2001; turning remembrance of a day of tragedy into a day of hope and caring. The presentation of colors by the Civil Air Patrol Pegasus Squadron Elite Color Guard and the National Anthem sung by Tanya Winch, a local artist who brought tears to the eyes of many of the volunteers. Guest speakers spoke about the importance of volunteering in Central Texas and rallied hundreds of volunteers who gathered at the kick-off breakfast event. Will Matthews, representing the Athletes for Hope Organization, shared his passion for philanthropy and talked about the importance of improving lives and strengthening communities through volunteer service. Throughout the day more than 1,000 volunteers worked at over 50- project sites throughout Central Texas, helping local nonprofits. Volunteers upgraded childcare facilities, trained for disaster response, beautified community gardens, improved parks and much more. The estimated dollar value of the volunteer time on this single day was $111,172! See more pictures from the event here: Share your United Way Day of Caring volunteer experience by posting your pictures and comments! Thank you, Diana A. SantosCorporate and Volunteer Relations Director

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Update! Professional athletes to speak at our Day of Caring!

Athletes for Hope are participating in our Day of Caring, as part of President Obama’s 9/11 Day of Service. Professional athletes Will Matthews and Ahmad Brooks will be our “Special Guest Speakers” at United Way’s Kick-off Event, and they will volunteer along with seven other professional athletes at Kealing Middle School. There are projects still available! Click here to sign up.

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Lowe’s sponsors the first Born Learning Trail in Central Texas!

Thank you Lowe’s for sponsoring and installing the first Born Learning Trail in Central Texas during Lowe’s annual Heroes volunteer program on August 28 & 29, 2009. Because of your work you have added a “value add” to one of the larger neighborhoods in Austin, Texas, Windsor Park. Offering families a wonderful place to get active, and elevate awareness of early childhood education. A special thanks to the City of Austin, Parks and Recreation Department and the Windsor Park Neighborhood Association for your cooperation and support. As part of our Day of Caring activities, the Windsor Park Neighborhood Association will hold a dedication ceremony to celebrate the Born Learning Trail at Bartholomew Park on Friday, September 11, 2009 at 10:30 a.m. The Born Learning Trail is located at Bartholomew Park and features ten signs and stations along a path with activities that encourage everyday, teachable moments with young children. Quote from Windsor Park Association Director: The Learning Trail is AWESOME! I went to the park to check it out today (Sat) and there was a man with his toddler daughter playing in the area (hopping) and they didn’t even live in the neighborhood. He was driving by and the colors caught his eye so he turned around and was playing with his little girl! Yeah! You guys ROCK! Want your corporate team to sponsor and construct a Born Learning Trail? Contact: Diana SantosCorporate and Volunteer Relations DirectorUnited Way Capital Area

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New Survey of Nonprofits with Greenlights

We recently partnered with our friends at Greenlights for NonProfit Success to conduct a survey of Central Texas nonprofits. The goals of the survey were to; 1. Have actual data on how the downturn is affecting nonprofits aside from anecdotes2. Compare how our region’s nonprofits are doing versus other parts of the country We sent the survey to over 800 organizations, and 100 responded. Not surprisingly, many nonprofits locally are having a tough time. Demand for their services is up, while more than 50% have experienced a drop in donations over the past year. The crunch is affecting organizations in the critical health & human services, and children and youth-focused service areas the most. Please click the links below for full survey results and data presentation. Taking the Pulse of the Central Texas Nonprofit Sector – a presentation on the 2009 survey. New Survey Shows Austin Area Nonprofits are Experiencing Significant Increase in Demand for Services and Fewer Resources – a brief on the 2009 survey. 2009 Nonprofit Pulse Survey – a comprehensive summary of the 2009 survey results.

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1 Hour for Kids Information Sessions

The goal of 1 Hour For Kids is to recruit 400 new volunteers to be mentors or tutors for Austin/Manor ISD middle school students. In this information session, you will learn how volunteering for just one hour a week to mentor or tutor a kid makes all the difference in the world! Wednesday, August 19, 20096:00PM – 7:00PM Wednesday, August 26, 20096:00PM – 7:00PM To learn more and sign up, go to the Hands On Central Texas website.

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Hands On Central Texas launches United We Serve – Austin

Join us for United We Serve – Austin! President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama have announced a nationwide service initiative, United We Serve, spanning 81 days, culminating with a National Day of Service and Remembrance on September 11. These 81 days will be the beginning of a sustained, collaborative, and focused effort to meet community needs and make service a way of life for all Americans. These 81 days will be the beginning of a sustained, collaborative, and focused effort to meet community needs and make service a way of life for all Americans. Hands On Central Texas & United Way Capital Area, in partnership with the OneStar Foundation, UT Volunteer & Service Learning Center, Keep Austin Beautiful, Communities in Schools of Central Texas, College Forward, UCP Texas & Texas Campus Compact are answering the President’s call to service with United We Serve – Austin! In these tough economic times, we’re facing increasing demands for services, and we need volunteers to help fill this growing need, now more than ever. We are pleased to participate in United We Serve and thank the President for making this call to service this summer and beyond. You can answer the call too. Sign up for volunteer projects & opportunities, organize and lead projects in your neighborhood, attend our Volunteer Leader trainings, 1 Hour for Kids information sessions, Hands On Innovation Workshops or volunteer for Day of Caring on September 11 to close off the United We Serve – Austin campaign. To […]

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