
Blog Action Day: Poverty – Poverty is here in our Community! (1am)

Poverty. It is here, not only in the “places you’d expect” but all over Austin & Central Texas. It’s widespread and people just don’t seem to talk about it, kinda like a social taboo. So let’s get it out in the open…starting with the poverty level. Did you know that last year, (according to the US Census) about 15% of people in Travis County lived in poverty. That’s 1 out of 7 people in our community! And get this, it has become worse in the last 7 years; we’ve actually seen an increase in families in poverty by more than 20%. Now the question I have is, “do most of us know that this is going on?” I don’t know? I think poverty in our community is hidden or people just don’t want to take responsibility for the problems related to poverty. I also think that we live in isolation and its easy for us to “not be exposed” to poverty. So what is it? I think it’s all of it. Please send me your thoughts. Post us a comment. Mando

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Blog Action Day: Poverty – Let's get it started! (12am)

Hello world! It’s 12am and we’re off on our in our 24 hour “poverty awareness” blogathon. In the next 24 hours, we’ll be discussing poverty in Austin and Central Texas. We’ll be posting every hour on the hour, setting the facts straight, debunking some myths (about how people fall into poverty), what everyday folks like you and I can do to help, share some successes we’ve had at United Way and hopefully, motivate all kinds of people to be involved and take action on the issue. In the next 24 hours you’ll hear from Councilmembers Mike Martinez & Cheryl Cole, young leaders doing their part in alleviating poverty, youth dealing with it on a daily basis y mas! So let’s start the conversation, blog with us, post your comments and tell us how you are taking action! MandoDirector, Hands On Central Texas

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East Austin – Your story is being told with you!

I attended the East Austin Economic Summit organized by The People Fund. They shared some pretty alarming stats on East Austin*…. The Good… There are approximately 1,350 businesses in East Austin 25% of East Austin residents are age 30 or younger East Austin’s retail/restaurant market is valued at $138 Million The Bad… Average income for East Austin residents – $43,200 (50% less than the City’s) You need to earn $40,000 to qualify for a $200,000 loan – 60% of East Austin residents would not qualify Only 21% of East Austin residents have at least an associates degree The Ugly… East Austin is being left out of economic development conversations Not enough residents are not being engaged in authentic ways Residents are being pushed further east due to the increased housing prices and taxes Do not be dismayed by these stats; there is hope and people are working on it (although I think we need to do more as a community). Groups like the People Fund are doing their part to increase awareness and visiblity to East Austin concerns as well as to create opportunities for residents and families in East Austin. The only thing I would have liked to seen more (at the Summit) is engagement and attendance with East Austin residents that are being impacted by these changes. I would like to see more people like Jeff Clark. I sat next to him at the opening session and we talked about the growing disparity in East Austin and some […]

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Blog Action Day, Oct. 15, 2008: 24 hours, 24 Posts, 1 Sleepy Nonprofit Guy!

I heard about Blog Action Day 2008: Poverty through Kerri from the Capital Area Food Bank. It’s a great concept. Bring people together around one issue and raise awareness with thousands of voices. I’m game! So this is our contribution: 24 hours, 24 posts in one day – October 15, 2008 from 12am – 11:59am. Hopefully through this process, we’ll create more advocates for issues that affect poverty & create opportunities for people to stand up to poverty. Here’s a short video on the Blog Action Day 2008… Blog Action Day 2008 Poverty from Blog Action Day on Vimeo. My head is spinning with all the ideas! One thing I do want to do is put your ideas into this blog. So what is your solution to poverty? What can you do today? What can you do tomorrow? What are you doing now? Inquiring minds want to know! Seriously, send me your thoughts and ideas by posting them on our comment section. Thanks,MandoDirector, Hands On Central Texas

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Target's Night of Giving

Target recently presented a grant to United Way Capital Area at its Night of Giving. The grant will help United Way Capital Area’s Success By 6 Books to Partners project provide age-appropriate books to children aged 0 – 6 being served by the agencies that are part of the Home Visitation Collaboration. L to R: Ramiro Munoz (Target), Marchele Lee (United Way Capital Area), Chondra Barton (Target), Robert Werner (Target) The Success By 6 Home Visitation Collaboration is a group of organizations targeting high-risk families with infants and toddlers who are overburdened due to health, social, and /or economic conditions, and who do not have access to other effective early childhood interventions such as Early Head Start or high-quality child care.

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Car Washing and Campaign

Michael Vivio, Publisher of the Austin American Statesman, talked about why getting involved and giving back to our community is so important to him and the employees of the newspaper. Thank you Austin American Statesman for your support throughout the year!

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Early Childhood Advocacy Opportunity — A Mentally Healthy Community Starts with its Children

Early Childhood Advocacy Update–while the event below has passed, there are still plenty of opportunities to get involved with Early Childhood Advocacy in Central Texas: Attend Advocacy 101, A Lunch with Mark Strama Learn more about the United Way Success By 6 Program here. Get “hands on” with a Child Care Facilities Improvement Project here. Here is a great opportunity to become an Advocate in our community for Early Childhood education. United Way’s Sue Carpenter, Director, Success By 6, will present Incredible Years, a presentation on Early Childhood best practices. The Mayor’s Mental Health Task Force Monitoring Committee (MMHTFMC) is hosting a public forum, “A Mentally Healthy Community Starts with its Children,” focusing on Early Childhood Interventions (ECI) and its preventative impact on mental health disorders. The forum will be held Oct. 3, 2008 from 10 a.m. until noon at Austin City Hall’s City Council Chambers, with a welcoming address from Council Member Lee Lefingwell, followed by guest speaker Libby Doggett, Ph.D., Executive Director of Pre-K Now.

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Flextronics at the 2008 United Way Day of Caring

From tree trimming to tree-removal to improving child-care worker’s computer network to improving employee relations to building pint-sized picnic tables… The Flextronics team worked hard, had fun, and gave of their time and skills to help United Way give kids a successful start in school! On behalf of United Way Capital Area online casino and the staff and kids of Trinity Child Development Center…Thank you, Flextronics!

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National Instrument’s Manufacturing Division Rocks…

On August 21, 2008 National Instrument’s Manufacturing Division provided its employees an opportunity to give back to the community by volunteering with several nonprofit organizations. Hands On Central Texas, a program of United Way Capital Area helped plan and organize on-site the MLK Peace Bench Project. Approximately 45 employees worked together to foster a sense of teamwork which included painting, designing and choosing MLK quotes for imprint on the benches, as well as messages of peace or inspiring words. A total of 14 MLK Peace Benches were completed during National Instruments community service day! The benches will be distributed to recreation centers, community/neighborhood centers and nonprofit organizations to promote social interaction and to build a stronger sense of community. Thank you National Instrument’s Manufacturing Division for making an impact in the community through your volunteer efforts.

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