
Volunteer Project Leader Appreciation

Last night was our first official Volunteer Project Leader Appreciation Happy Hour. All of our 2007 Project Leaders were invited and even with the Democratic Primary Debates happening simultaneously, we had a great turnout. Everyone seemed to be having a wonderful time hearing about the various projects, meeting other Project Leaders, and collaborating for their next! Really though, how could we not have a great time–with wine, appetizers, and a group of committed volunteers? How could that not be fantastic?! We were lucky enough to hear from a few of the Project Leaders who have contributed to making an incredibly positive impact with their agencies, their volunteers, and with us. They spoke of the importance of corporate volunteering and of community action; and of the joy of putting groups together to do some good work in the community; of the incredible range of projects and the amazing reach they have between them; and anecdotes were told that literally moved many to tears. It was wonderful to be a part of such a powerful group that is doing so much good in the community. Thank you to the Project Leaders of 2007, this was incredible! Please feel free to share your experience with the rest of the group. Or if you really wanted to speak last night and didn’t want to get up in front of the crowd, or if you had to miss the party but still want to share, please do! Upcoming Volunteer Project Certification Dates:Saturday, March 159:00am-12:00pmConnection with […]

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United Way Loaned Executive Program, Part II

Last December, we profiled our 2007 Loaned Executive, Tracy Dove of State Farm. We wanted to highlight this important program again by sharing another Loaned Executive story: 2006 Loaned Executive Heather Brown. Do you know someone at your organization with extensive leadership experience who would be interested in loaning his or her expertise and talent to the community? To get started, e-mail or call Ray Blue at 512-225-0391. During the fall of 2006, State Farm gave me the opportunity to work for United Way for 6 months as part of United Way’s Loaned Executive Program. This program turned out to be a once in a lifetime learning experience for me. I am very fortunate to work for a great company like State Farm that understands the importance of contributing to our community. Despite living in my community for 21 years, it wasn’t until I was part of the Loaned Executive Program that I really got to learn about my community and its needs. I found out that United Way is not just one of many organizations trying to fix a problem in the community, but instead they are an organization truly devoted to improving our community in measurable ways. Also, I realized that I too, have benefited from a United Way partner agency and will most likely be touched by them again. I have a deeper respect and loyalty for companies like State Farm that loan employees to United Way to help increase funding for community needs. Through meeting with […]

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BiGAUSTIN (Business Investment Growth), Focus Area: Financial Stability

We continue our in-depth look at the new programs United Way Capital Area is supporting through the new Community Impact Model. You’ve probably heard of the enormous success that global micro-lending organizations have had–foundations like Kiva and TrickleUp–and, maybe you’ve wondered why a similar program can’t be duplicated right here in Central Texas for low-income individuals. Through BiGAUSTIN, the success of micro-lending and low-income business support is taking place here in Central Texas. BiGAUSTIN provides a developmental approach to address the needs of potential and existing entrepreneurs through training, technical assistance, access to markets and lending resources. BiGAUSTIN’s primary market is individuals with an interest in business ownership or business expansion whose access to credit and/or to high quality business training and ongoing support is limited or non-existent as a result of poverty, minority or gender status, or other barriers to business opportunity. The typical BiGAUSTIN client is a low-income individual, member of a racial and ethnic minority group, or a woman with a high school education and little formal business training. Typically, our clients have been in business for less than two years, and many start as micro-enterprises. They also start their businesses on an uneven playing field, competing with business owners who have more capital, fiscal agility and other economic resources. Through the services provided by BiGAUSTIN, more entrepreneurs gain access to markets, financial literacy, management skills, and increased access to funding, thereby reducing this gap between the advantaged and the disadvantaged. StatsClients Served: Over 6000Loans Disbursed: $4.3MLoans […]

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Thank you 3M!

Winner of United Way’s 2007 Gifts In Kind Corporate Challenge… I want to personally express my sincere appreciation to Russell Bridges for securing 3M donations totaling over $592,000 to United Way’s Gifts In Kind Program. Russell is an outstanding community affairs executive who goes above and beyond and exemplifies the true potential of an individual who makes a difference in the community. 3M’s recent contribution will allow the Resource Center staff to distribute in-kind goods to nonprofit organizations to help more people in Central Texas. Check out the video and pictures of Russell Bridges and a team of 3M employees helping clean and stock the shelves at the Resource Center with boxes of post-it notes, flip charts, flag highlighter pens, desk lamps and many other miscellaneous office products. See the current agencies wish list below! Please post your comments! Diana SantosCorporate and Volunteer Relations DirectorHands On Central Texas Gifts In-Kind WishlistThe Resource Center can always use more. Here is a list of the most recent “Wish List” items: The Austin State School – Volunteer Services Council is seeking new books to create a library to improve the quality of life for the residents. Call 512-374-6070 American Red Cross of Central Texas needs new blankets (any size) to assist individuals in need of emergency care. Call 512-929-1251 The Austin Academy is in need of twenty bus passes to give to students who have no transportation. Call 512-326-8655 The Theatre Action Project is seeking 2 laptop computers to promote and create socially […]

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Calling all Latinos/Hispanics!

I’m excited to announce the launch of the Latino/Hispanic community engagement strategy, as part of our Culture Connections program! We want to listen, learn and engage this very important and growing segment of the community. We are interested in engaging Latinos/Hispanics in addressing issues important to their communities. Hopefully, we’ll be able to come up with some good projects and innovative ways to connect with this community. Yeah, this is one of the ways United Way is being more intentional and authentic in it’s community work. It’s a very simple survey and you can take the survey here or call the survey line at 512-498-4900. The survey is in English and in the original Texas language…Español! Check out our press release y tambien me pueden llamar si tienen preguntas sobre la encuesta al 512-225-0360. Si Se Puede!MandoDirector, Manos Sobre…Central Texas!

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The 10th Annual Austin Under 40 Awards

We all know how hard Mando has been working to engage Central Texans in volunteer work, and he may be honored for it this spring. Check out the website for Austin Under 40 here. If you look through the website, you’ll see some well known Central Texas movers and shakers on the past winners list. Here are the other finalists in the Community Service category with him: Community Service, presented by Capital One Bank Chase Bearden, The Coalition of Texans with Disabilities Caroline Boudreaux, The Miracle Foundation Jim Higgins Walker, Central Texas Sustainability Indicators Project David Pena, National Hispanic Business Association Armando Rayo, Hands on Central Texas, United Way Capital Area Congratulations Mando and good luck from all of us at United Way Capital Area!

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Public Innovators Lab III – Learning

I just spent 3 1/4 days of learning! Yes, this is exciting! (notice the exclamations!) I love to learn from experiences, from others, from myself and dare I say say it….from failure. I believe this is when we learn the most – when we fail. That’s one of my key take-aways from the Lab – to not be afraid of failure; putting yourself out there, being innovative, being authentic in your work and whether you succeed or fail, you were bold enough to try something new. From there you pick-up the pieces, you learn and try it again. Rich Harwood also talked about focusing our efforts outward to the community – for the common good. He asked those of us that work in nonprofits, “do you really know your community?” I responded with a no. We think we know our communities because we work in nonprofits and see the needs on a daily basis and we have the data to prove it (at least to ourselves) but we really don’t know what the “community” wants, what their aspirations are, their dreams for their kids, families and neighborhoods. Rich said that we need to stop thinking of clients as clients, donors as donors and we need to see them as citizens of the community. In many cases, we don’t see them as citizens, we see them as recipients of services or funders of our events and programs. If we want to authentically engage our communities, we need to change the way […]

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The Most Important Investment

featuring J. Barry Griswell, Chairman and CEO of The Principal Financial Group As chief executive officer of one of the world’s leading financial companies, Barry Griswell knows a thing or two about smart investments. And on February 20, he’ll be in Austin to talk with us about the astonishing economic impact of early childhood education. Prior to his compelling presentation, TXP (Texas Perspectives) economist Jon Hockenyos will unveil findings from the just-published Travis County Child Care Economic Impact Study. E3Alliance Executive Director Susan Dawson will also speak to chosen regional priorities around early childhood education. Closing remarks by David Balch, President and CPO of United Way Capital Area, will provide a call to action for the top-level business and policy leaders in attendance. The Most Important Investment takes place at the Hyatt Regency Austin on Wednesday, February 20 from 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. (By invitation only.) Special thanks to our event sponsor:

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Public Innovators Lab II: Hope

Today we began to scratch the surface. We started to dig into perceptions of our communities, whether it’s the Eastside or Central Texas. What we found is that the perceptions where all based on individual experiences, where we live and how well we’re connected to the community and what we’re exposed to in the community. I for one, feel we have a long way to go: We don’t have broad, diverse and deep leadership; we have tattered networks, we are isolated (East vs. West/I-35 Railroad Tracks), nonprofit organizations are stuck in old patterns, still consider themselves charities as opposed to social entrepreneurs and don’t get me started on the divisiveness of the sector. With that said, I still have hope for our community! I do see the light at the end of the tunnel. I have hope because I see it in Public Innovators, in Volunteer Project Leaders, in everyday volunteers and community members; the willingness to help people and change our community’s conditions. They remind me how small acts of goodness can create the change we need in our community. Now, let’s work on doubling, tripling, quatripaling these acts of goodness! Public Innovators: Amanda Chiampi & Pflugerville’s own Rod Reyna! Will you “be the change?” Tell us how!!!! MandoDirector, Hands On Central Texas

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