Author: Aviva Pinchas

Freescale employees have a dream………

During United Way’s Days of Caring on April 25, 2008 a team of Freescale employees came together to express their inspirations and creativity and to make a meaningful difference in the community. They participated in Hands On Central Texas’ MLK Peace Bench Project. Throughout the day they reflected on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s teachings of social justice by transforming wooden benches to a pieces of art! They choose MLK quotes for imprint on the benches, painted messages of peace and inspiring words. A total of fifteen “Peace Benches” were built on Friday. Hands On Central Texas through its service days will build 100 benches to foster community service and action in East Austin. The benches will be distributed to recreation centers, community/neighborhood centers and nonprofit organizations to promote social interaction and build a stronger sense of community. Thank you Freescale employees for your enthusiasm and passion! The designs you created are awesome. You are truly an amazing bunch! Thanks to Jill for sending us the link to all the photos! Please tell us about your volunteer experiences. Post a comment! Diana SantosCorporate and Volunteer Relations, Director

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NI Marketing–Spring Day of Caring

Check out this awesome video of the work the NI Marketing team did at our Success By 6 Child Care Facility. A big thank you to Yvette E. Ruiz for sharing this video with us. If you were there, don’t hesitate to comment on the project and your own experience at the Day of Caring. If you have pictures of your own from the day you’d like us to add to our blog, please send them to Enjoy the video!

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Eat Tacos and Do Good!

Tomorrow is our annual Spring Day of Caring. We’re hosting over 25 projects with almost 400 volunteers doing hands-on service projects AND we’re starting the day with tacos – my favorite! So if you have a yearning for eating tacos and doing good, then come join us! We’ll be at the Alamo Park in East Austin at 9am tomorrow, Friday, April 25th. See you there! MandoDirector, Hands On Central Texas

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Hands On Premieres on KLRU PBS Austin

Hi all. We just heard that our MLK Day of Service video was selected to be aired on KLRU PBS Austin’s DOCUBLOGGERS show! Yeah, we’re excited! Check it and tune in! Tune in on Thurday, April 24, 2008 at 7:30pm or visit the DOCUBLOGGERS website to view the video! MandoDirector, Hands On Central Texas

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BiGAUSTIN 2008 Business Plan Contest Winner

Congratulations to Gayle Skiera, who is a member of the United Way Capital Area Financial Stability Leadership Council, for winning the BiGAUSTIN 2008 Business Plan Contest at the Big idea day on April 18. Gayle Skiera and The Money Academy Team Gayle is the founder and CEO of The Money Academy, which provides hands-on experience with money, coupled with lessons on key financial distinctions, that empower kids to see the value of using money as a tool for creating wealth. Kids of all ages create their own plan for using money that includes the habit of saving to invest, to donate, and to plan for large purchases. The interest in these clubs spread quickly and they are now in school all over Austin. For more about The Money Academy, visit: or visit their blog at:

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Creating new ways to support United Way

Samsung Austin Semiconductor, a leader in semiconductor innovation, provided onsite support to the staff of United Way Capital Area by lending the time and expertise of Steven English, a senior Samsung quality assurance engineer. Steven facilitated “How to Lead Effective Meetings” training for United Way Capital Area staff, ensuring effective and efficient meeting facilitation. The training was well-received, giving staff the tools to make the best use of not only their time, but volunteers’ time as well. UWCA staff learned how to conduct effective meetings and even had the chance to put their newly acquired knowledge and skills into practice. Steven is knowledgeable, engaging and a downright cool trainer! He and Samsung’s contributions show there is more than one way to impact the work of United Way Capital Area in our community. Thanks to Steven and Samsung for their support! Do you or someone you know have a skill or training background you would be willing to share with United Way? If so, contact Lauren Paver at or 472-6267.

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Volunteers still needed for Spring Day of Caring!

We still have room for volunteers for our Spring Day of Caring. So if you haven’t already signed-up for a project, now’s your chance! Hands On Central Texas, a program of United Way Capital Area, invites you to help us celebrate National Volunteer Week (April 27 – May 3, 2008) by participating in United Way Days of Caring, presented by Freescale Semiconductor. United Way Days of Caring are community-wide events that address critical social issues through meaningful volunteer action. Each year, more than 1,500 corporate & community volunteers lend a hand and tackle issues such as poverty, education, and health, while doing everything from building homes, to building community gardens, to beautifying local parks. On Friday, April 25, 2008, we will host various meaningful volunteer projects that will address Central Texas’ most pressing issues. We will start the day with United Way Days of Caring Kickoff at Alamo Park located at 2100 Alamo Street where volunteers will learn about the impact they are making in the community, and they will have an opportunity to eat some breakfast, meet other volunteers and guest speakers, and check-in for their projects.Volunteer check–in from 8:30 to 9:45 a.m. The majority of the projects run from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm. Register to volunteer at look forward to seeing you there!

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Volunteering at Ebenezer Child Development Center

The Young Professionals Organization (YPO) takes part in a positive volunteer experience with their family members! On April 5, 2008 the YPO members and their families came together to support Ebenezer Child Development Center. Volunteering as a family demonstrated the power of families who choose to volunteer together and make a positive impact in the Community. Moms and kids sorted and organized clothes, cleaned toys, washed windows, shoveled gravel, and cleaned and organized a Resource Room. Dads and teens helped put in a children’s playground and shovel lots of gravel! They installed cabinets, fire extinguishers and baby safety locks on cabinet doors. At the end of the day Ebenezer Child Development Center was upgraded to help it maintain its accreditation for now and the future. Thank you YPO group for making a long lasting impact at Ebenezer and for helping Ebenezer Child Development Center promote the growth of the total child. YPO volunteers please share your stories! Thank You,Diana SantosCorporate and Volunteer Relations DirectorHands On Central Texas

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Financial Fitness Week

Financial Fitness Week is fast approaching. The kick off event is this Wednesday. The website is up and running with a list of free financial classes and great information about all kinds of topics related to finances. Check it out at: United Way Capital Area is a partner in Financial Fitness Greater Austin (FFGA), which is a public education and awareness campaign designed to help consumers better manage their personal finances. This is achieved through the collaboration and coordinated effort of several organizations in the Greater Austin area including businesses, financial institutions, schools, not-for-profits, government agencies and the media. These groups came together this year to stress the importance of financial literacy, inform consumers where they can get help, and provide free educational seminars and activities throughout the week. Programming is offered to all demographics and income levels and covers all facets of personal finance. Our hope is to make this an annual event for Austin, and part of a year-round initiative to keep our community financially fit.

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