Author: Aviva Pinchas

Adopt a Child Care Center Success!

Thank you to all the United Way Success By 6 supporters who adopted a child care center for the holidays. Why is the work of Success By 6 so important?Click here to learn more. Ebenezer Child Development CenterAdopted by: Carmel Borders and Betsy Abel Faith Presbyterian Child Development CenterAdopted by: Tabatha and Cameron Brown MainSpring SchoolsAdopted by: Open Door PreschoolAdopted by: The Women’s Giving Network Executive CommitteeSafePlace (Stockton-Hicks Child Development Center)Adopted by: Trinity Child Development CenterAdopted by: The nonprofit child care centers are United Way Success By 6 funded partners that serve low-income families. Your gifts and contributions helped brighten their holidays – and the future of our children. From left to right: United Way Women’s Giving Network Executive Committee members Brenda Strama, Tabatha Brown, Mary Ellen Sax, Sydney Heard, Bonnie Pepin, Susan Marler, Marie Baker, Peg Hart, Jennifer Sanderson, and Trisa Thompson. From left to right: Janell Fotovich, Heather Mason, and Charlene Hamlet, members of Applied Materials’ Women’s Professional Development Network, collected and delivered gifts to Trinity Child Development Center as part of the Child Care Center Adoption project. KPMG delivers their gifts to Mainspring Schools

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Free Tax Service Begins This Week at Community Tax Centers

Foundation Communities kicks off their fifth year of helping working families receive a real tax break. WHAT: Community Tax Centers 2009 Kickoff and Press ConferenceWHEN: Friday, January 16, 2009 10 a.m. – 11 a.m.WHERE: Foundation Communities, 3036 S. 1st StreetWHO: Texas State Representative Eddie Rodriguez (HD-51); Austin City Council members Lee Leffingwell, Mike Martinez and Laura Morrison; Walter Moreau, executive director of Foundation Communities; Alpha Balde, director of Community Tax Centers; Clients and volunteers; funders and community partners, including the IRS and United Way. Community Tax Centers expect to return $26 million in tax refunds to 20,000 Central Texas families this year. Taxpayers can call United Way’s 2-1-1 line for more information about locations, opening hours and what documents to bring, or visit the website at

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GivingCity Austin, Issue 2

GivingCity Austin impresses us again with another issue full of great content and amazing graphic design. If you haven’t taken a look at the magazine for philanthropy in Austin, go download the PDF. This month, Texas Monthly editor Evan Smith provides the cover article. United Way’s Mando Rayo also offers some practical suggestions on next steps you can take if you want change in your community.

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Inspirational MLK Peace Bench!

We just received one of the last MLK Peace Benches we committed to build & distribute throughout Austin & I have to say it is quite inspirational! Jill Brown, one of our volunteers took on this project as a way to “give back to the community and the United Way.” She sent us a thank you letter and I would like to share her inspiration with you… “This last (MLK Peace) bench I wanted to be special, and more of a 3-D sculpture than the previous benches. Martin Luther King, Jr. has been such an influence figure in our history and our souls. The entire bench is wrapped in newspaper clippings, because we (as a society) would not be where we are today without his leadership and dedication. Images of MLK and milestones from his life are layered on top of those clippings to capture and commemorate his guidance and direction. The seat-back of the bench is sky of possibilities, something we can always look forward to.” In behalf of United Way & Hands On, thank you Jill Brown – Volunteer & Artist Extraordinaire! MandoDirector, Hands On Central Texas

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Step Forward & Serve – A Call to Action from President Elect Barack Obama

In order to change community conditions, help each other out, help those that need a hand, we need to step forward & serve. That’s the message coming from Presidential Transition team & President Elect Barack Obama. And very appropriate as we honor the legacy of Dr. King next weekend. Check out the new PSAs from & the Ad Council…. Step Forward & Serve: President-Elect Barack Obaman – Michell Obama General Colin Powell Announces Renew America Together Initiative – Press Conference

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Why we do what we do

In a recent U.S. Dept. of Education report, an estimated 13% of Travis County residents are illiterate. This appalling finding is another reason United Way is collaborating with E3 and others in our region, to ensure that children have the opportunity to start school healthy, happy and ready to learn with our Success By 6 program. If we don’t get involved to turn these findings around, Central Texas will not maintain its prosperity, companies will move away and find the educated, literate workforce elsewhere. Get involved with our efforts around education, Give, Advocate or Volunteer. Be part of the solution. Be a part of the change you want to see.Live United!

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We're Living United in 2009 – Ready to Join Us?

2009 is finally here. It promises to be an exciting year for many reasons. All of us here at United Way Capital Area are ready to Live United. Ready to change community conditions so everyone has the opportunity to succeed. We hope you are ready to show everyone how you Live United and join us. Our Live United invitation is to Give/Advocate/Volunteer. Here’s how you can get involved in 2009. GIVEYou can donate 24/7, 365 days of the year through our secure website. Any amount helps and your generous donation will stay right here in Central Texas, helping fund the 47 programs we support. Help us to create long-lasting change and opportunities for everyone to succeed. Donate today. ADVOCATEBe an advocate for important Central Texas causes. Stand up for what you believe in. Spread the word about United Way and the change we are trying to create. Sign up for our monthly Community Matters newsletters. We’re big fans of social networks, check out our Flickr photosets of our work in action and recruit your friends and coworkers with United Way on Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube or find us tweeting on Twitter. VOLUNTEERIn 2008 we provided over 10,000 volunteer opportunities, so there are tons of ways to get involved. Whether its improving a childcare center, helping a low-income working family files their taxes or helping at a local food bank, find your passion and get involved! It will be so much more rewarding than you can ever imagine. Volunteer now. We hope […]

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Advocacy in Action – Texas Legislature

The Texas Legislative session starts in January 2009 . Here’s one way United Way works as an advocate for the community with United Ways of Texas (UWT) at every legislative session. UWT is the statewide association of Texas’ local United Ways and its’ members represent 70 communities and the overwhelming majority of Texans. United Ways of Texas’ priorities for the 2009 Texas Legislature are fully aligned with our priority goals of Education, Financial Stability and Health to advance the common good. In addition, they continue our efforts to support Texas nonprofits, to increase disaster preparedness and to promote 2-1-1 Texas. The legislative priorities for 2009 are: 1. Education – Helping Children and Youth Achieve their Potential-Expand and Improve Access to and the Quality of Pre-Kindergarten-Increase Pre-Service Training Requirements for Child Care Workers-Increase the Graduation Rate and College Readiness with Proven Strategies 2. Income – Promoting Financial Stability and Independence-Create Incentives for Participation in State-Supported College Savings Plans-Promote Financial Stability Among Texas Seniors-Increase Utilization of the Federal Earned Income Tax Credit 3. Health – Improving People’s Health-Support Efforts to Expand Access to Health Insurance for Children and Adults-Increase the Dental Health of Low-Income Children-Improve and Expand Disease Prevention Efforts to Improve Health and Save Money-Address Obesity among Texans of All Ages-Support Efforts to Assist Texas Seniors to Age Healthy and Well 4. Building Capacity of Texas United Ways-Sustain Public and Private Investment in 2-1-1-Protect the Tax Exemptions and Advocacy Voice of Texas Nonprofits-Ensure Appropriate Representation of Nonprofits in Disaster Preparedness-Monitor Issues […]

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Provide Solutions, not Just Manage Problems

As 2008 is coming to a close we appreciate all the ways you already support United Way Capital Area by Living United. Whether you Give, Advocate or Volunteer, thank you for your help. You are making a difference. Will you consider making a tax-deductible year-end donation to help us continue our mission? When you support United Way Capital Area, you’re helping us build a better Central Texas by:– Helping children and youth achieve their potential through education– Helping people move towards financial independence– Improving peoples health– Advancing the common good around the building blocks for a better life, funding programs and services in Education, Financial Stability and Health As Central Texas is changing we’re changing with it, to remain as effective as possible. We’re trying to provide solutions to our communities issues, that not just manage problems, this goes without saying, but provide solutions for individuals and families to empower and insulate themselves against the economic ups and downs. Please take this opportunity to make a gift, any amount will help us create the change we all want to see in our community, Remember, all gifts are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Again, thank you for supporting United Way Capital Area!

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United Way Capital Area Volunteer/Supporter wins Butler Award

The Community Action Network announced its 2008 Butler Award Winners. One of the winners is Ann Stafford, who is among our most active volunteers and supporters here at United Way. Ann Stafford, community affairs manager for Spansion, received the bridge builder award for her work promoting greater private investments in health and human services. Congratulations, Ann! Congratulations also go to one of our funded agencies, Family Eldercare, who also received a Butler Award for its Summer Fan Drive. The Butler Awards were established in 2006 in honor of Fred Butler who retired as Executive Director of Community Action Network after 11 years of service.

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