Author: Aviva Pinchas

We Are One and 12 Ways You Can Be One

United Way Capital Area is proud to be a member of a new initiative “We Are One.” Twelve Central Texas nonprofits, including United Way Capital Area, have joined forces to increase involvement and drive stronger support for their various missions.The We Are One campaign demonstrates a new level of collaboration as the twelve organizations come together to speak as one voice, and address the important needs across the region as the economy continues to decline.With the assistance of the good folks at Trew Marketing, the We Are One campaign was developed, complete with a web site, two videos, Facebook page and a call to action all geared to demonstrate that: We are better when we work together, Live United in action The nonprofit sector has many examples of the power of collaboration; and There are plenty of ways for anyone who wants to join the effort to do so – in fact, the campaign offers 12 ways! Thanks to these twelve nonprofits, who led the We Are One campaign: American Cancer Society Austin Children’s Shelter Big Brothers Big Sisters Capital Area Food Bank Greenlights for NonProfit Success Lance Armstrong Foundation Leadership Austin LifeWorks SafePlace Seton Foundations Southwest Key Programs United Way Capital Area More information about our involvement and the ways you can help.

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Thank Senator Hutchison for helping pass the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act

From Tim Delaney, Tim Delaney President & CEO of the National Council of Nonprofits, a message about last weeks advocacy effort around the Serve America Act. He invites us to call Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison – 202.224.5922 and thank her for supporting this important initiative: To Our Friends at the United Way Capital Area: Thank you! You helped make history. By relaying TANO’s message encouraging Texans to call Senator Hutchison, you helped her understand the importance of this historic legislation, because when the Senate took it vote late Thursday, she was one of the 79 Senators who voted “yes” to pass the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act, including the Baucus-Grassley amendment to establish a Nonprofit Capacity Building Program. Now would be a good time for your readers to call her back to thank her for her vote for this bill and to compliment her for helping the Senate show true bipartisanship. When we see our elected officials working together on a bipartisan basis to actually solve problems, rather than engage in political posturing, we need to let them know we appreciate their efforts to craft needed solutions. Also, your readers should take some time to reflect on what we collectively proved can happen when individuals, working together through our nonprofits, amplify our voices. By contacting their elected officials to create the Nonprofit Capacity Building Program and pass the Serve America Act, your readers proved that government is still responsible to the people. Your readers who called honored Abraham Lincoln, […]

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Support the Serve America Act

From our friends at–the Serve America Act will help Central Texas non-profits serve our community better: The Serve America Act is being voted on in the Senate within the next few days – perhaps tomorrow. BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY, the nonprofit community of our state must CALL OUR SENATORS to get them to support this groundbreaking Act and especially the Baucus-Grassley Nonprofit Capacity Building Amendment. Their co-sponsorship will concretely reflect their commitment to the millions of Texans who volunteer and the over 70,000 501 (c) 3 nonprofit corporations in our state, who are struggling to serve those with the greatest needs in Texas. Call Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison – 202.224.5922 – and encourage her support. Our latest information, based on contacts a few minutes ago, is that she remains UNCOMMITTED in supporting the Act. She is receiving a goodly number of calls urging her to OPPOSE the Act. We need to let her know there is also considerable support for her SUPPORTING the Act. Senator John Cornyn – 202.224.2934 – OPPOSES the Act. It is quick and easy. Tell them who you are … that you are concerned for your own agency, community, and our State of Texas … that our Texas nonprofits need our Senators’ support at this time. There will not be much discussion, BUT the aide will add you to their list of supportive calls and you will have helped offset the negative calls they are receiving. In speaking to our Senators’ offices: A. The Senate should […]

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Thank you for advocating for PreK in Texas…

Your advocacy efforts are making a difference! Here is the latest on HB130, from the Statesman: A $300 million effort to move to full-day prekindergarten for eligible children has already won the support of more than half the Texas House of Representatives. By Tuesday, 79 co-authors, both Republicans and Democrats, had signed on to House Bill 130, sponsored by Rep. Diane Patrick, R-Arlington. So the political stars seem to be aligned for the bill, which sets standards for class sizes, curriculum and teacher qualifications as well as extending the school day. If you haven’t already, make sure you are receiving TECEC’s e-alerts, and are subscribed to receive updates from United Way Capital Area.

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Tip United!

United Way supporter Rachel Saldana has chosen us as her charity of choice in a fun Guest Bartending Event being held tomorrow, March 25th, from 5:30-7pm at Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse. Each guest bartender is provided a jar for tips that will benefit the charity of his or her choice. Rachel is a good friend and strong supporter of UWCA and we are thrilled she has chosen us as her charity to donate her tips. Everyone is invited to come out and support her as shows off her mixing, stirring and shaking skills! You are also welcome to invite any friends or colleagues in your networks to attend – the more people who show up, the more money raised for UWCA. Contact Sarah Hart Miller if you have any questions and we hope to see a good turnout tomorrow night! March 25thRuth’s Chris Steak House107 West 6th Street5:30-7 p.m.

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Support HB 130: Bill in Committee Today

HB 130 is one of our top priorities for the 81st Texas Legislature. From our friends at TECEC: HB 130 provides funds for high quality, full-day pre-k education with an emphasis on community-based partnerships. The bill needs a majority vote when heard in the committee in order to make it onto the House Floor. You can help ensure that HB 130 has overwhelming support, by contacting members of the committee in support of this important bill. This is a critical step in the legislative process, and we need your help to ensure that HB 130 meets it with success! Take action. Send a letter of support to the Texas House Committee on Public Education.

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Advocate for struggling families at the Hispanic Quality of Life Forum (Tuesday, March 24)!

I attended the first Hispanic Quality of Life community forum a few weeks ago. I was glad to see the City of Austin take on a tough task in engaging people in the forums as well as tackling some tough issues in Austin. I see a real role for Hispanics & other groups can play in this process, from advocating for issues to participating in the forums; in fact, the success of the Hispanic community directly impacts the success of Austin. Let’s stand up & LIVE UNITED! Will you do your part? Here’s your chance. Join us for the next Hispanic Quality of Life community forum. We will have free dinner for everyone & the Capital Area Food Bank will giving out free bags of groceries (no questions asked). City of Austin Hispanic Quality of Life community forum Economic DevelopmentTuesday, March 24, 2009Austin Community College-South Campus1820 W Stassney LaneAustin, TX 78745 To attend, please RSVP/register here or go to We’re also asking people to bring 5 friends, colleagues & neighbors! Help us spread the word.Thanks,MandoDirector, Hands On Central Texas

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URGENT: Contact Congress to Vote YES on Expanding National Service, Supporting Mentoring

The following URGENT Advocacy item was sent to us by Americans are stepping forward in record numbers to serve, many inspired by the bold vision articulated by President Obama, and all motivated to roll up their sleeves to address the mounting challenges we face in communities across the country. Communities are struggling to meet the growing demand for services, due in large part to the economic downturn, and nonprofit organizations need human capital to meet the increasing needs. This includes mentoring programs and Mentoring Partnerships that are working to ensure that more young people across the country can benefit from the power of mentoring. The House Education and Labor Committee has recognized the pivotal moment we are in as a country and responded by passing H.R. 1388, the GIVE Act. Tomorrow, March 18, H.R. 1388 will move to the House floor for a vote. The GIVE Act is the House companion bill to the Serve America Act, which was introduced by a bi-partisan group of Senators led by Senators Kennedy and Hatch on January 16, 2009. Before the GIVE Act vote, your Representatives need to hear from you that this legislation is important. Among its many provisions, the bill provides mentoring programs more access to additional resources and makes it possible to boost mentoring infrastructure through additional federal funding eligibility for Mentoring Partnerships – existing statewide and local, and new partnerships. Here’s how you can help: Call your representatives (see below for instructions) BY WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18 AT 9AM […]

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Mayoral Candidate Forum

United Way Capital Area is a member of the Austin Area Human Services Association (AAHSA), and we encourage and invite you to attend their Mayoral and City Council Candidates Forum on Thursday, April 9 at the Mexican American Cultural Center, 600 River Street. Austin voters will go to the polls May 9th to elect a new mayor and council members in Places 1, 2, 5 & 6. Click here to see a list of those running for office. Get to know the candidates and their positions on how our community can better meet the needs of our most vulnerable populations. The Forum is from 11 am to 1.30 pm. Please RSVP by visiting the AAHSA web site: Attendees may also pre-order a box lunch via this web site which will be purchased and served beginning at 11 a.m. at the Forum. Questions? Call Suki Steinhauser at 512-464-9713. Be a part of the solution, advocate, find your voice and support your community.

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