Last night was our first official Volunteer Project Leader Appreciation Happy Hour. All of our 2007 Project Leaders were invited and even with the Democratic Primary Debates happening simultaneously, we had a great turnout.
Everyone seemed to be having a wonderful time hearing about the various projects, meeting other Project Leaders, and collaborating for their next! Really though, how could we not have a great time–with wine, appetizers, and a group of committed volunteers? How could that not be fantastic?!
We were lucky enough to hear from a few of the Project Leaders who have contributed to making an incredibly positive impact with their agencies, their volunteers, and with us. They spoke of the importance of corporate volunteering and of community action; and of the joy of putting groups together to do some good work in the community; of the incredible range of projects and the amazing reach they have between them; and anecdotes were told that literally moved many to tears.
It was wonderful to be a part of such a powerful group that is doing so much good in the community. Thank you to the Project Leaders of 2007, this was incredible! Please feel free to share your experience with the rest of the group. Or if you really wanted to speak last night and didn’t want to get up in front of the crowd, or if you had to miss the party but still want to share, please do!
Upcoming Volunteer Project Certification Dates:
Saturday, March 15
Connection with Special Event
(Earth Day & Spring Day of Caring)
United Way Capital Area
Tuesday, April 8
George Washington Carver Museum
Wednesday, May 14
Austin Groups for the Elderly (AGE) Building