
UWATX Supports Kerbey Lane Café

If you’ve watched the news in the last 24 hours, you’ve likely heard a media report about Kerbey Lane Café. Unfortunately, it’s not the typical positive story about Kerbey Lane’s mouthwatering pancakes and queso, or its good work in the community.

Instead, it’s a disgusting story about one bigoted customer who made racist comments toward two Muslim customers at the restaurant’s Guadalupe Street location near UT.

It’s a sickening situation. No one deserves to be treated the way these young women were treated.

We know the manager who was at Kerbey Lane Café Sunday morning wishes she would have handled things differently. We also know Kerbey Lane Café CEO Mason Ayer is deeply saddened by what happened in his restaurant.

You see, we really know Mason, and we really know and love Kerbey Lane Café.

Kerbey Lane Café is a committed supporter of United Way for Greater Austin, and Mason is a trusted partner, board member and dedicated community servant.

The company’s employees provide hundreds of hours of community service to United Way for Greater Austin and others each year. Kerbey Lane and its employees raise significant money for our community. The company is a model employer.

Simply put, Kerbey Lane Café is an Austin original. It is part of the fabric of what makes Austin greater.

Thank you, Mason, for your sincere statement of apology. We support you.



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