All donations made this holiday season will be matched by a generous donor, up to $100,000!

1 in 10 households in the Austin area is considered low-income.

We believe all children and families have a right to thrive.
When one of us suffers, we all suffer. And when everyone reaches their full potential, our entire community benefits. We’re on a mission to create building blocks of opportunity for all children and families in Greater Austin. Join us.
This holiday season, you can create the building blocks of opportunity for children & families in Greater Austin.
Help families feel confident in their ability to thrive in Austin. Support United Way-funded community partners doing impactful work like Todos Juntos.
Build opportunity for young children. Support a tomorrow where every child in Greater Austin receives high-quality pre-K.
Create building blocks of opportunity for hard-working people who are having trouble making ends meet. Support strategic community programs like Bluebonnet Trails.

Thank you for your support!
Your investment has a proven impact. When you give today, your dollars stay local and help build opportunity for children and families in Greater Austin.