What a wonderful day it was! We sent the call out to Central Texans & y’all answered it! We hosted the Austin’s biggest MLK Day of Service with over 700 volunteers honoring the legacy of Dr. King.
I was amazed by the number of kids & families that came to the Reflecting on the Dream Breakfast. I think we had 3 bus loads of kids (thanks to our community partner College Forward!) march right into the Huston-Tillotson University campus to get their MLK on!
Of course, we couldn’t of done it without our community partners & sponsors including the Austin Area Heritage Council, City of Austin Neighborhood Housing & Community Development, Huston-Tillotson University & Office of State Representative Dawnna Dukes. A big thank you goes out to Dr. Leonard Moore, VP of Diversity & Community Engagment at UT. Talk about an amazing speaker! His message about pursing your passion & being “real” & focused truly connected with the kids & everyone in the room. Everyone was so inspired; they wanted more & his message embodied the dream of Dr. King!
Check out the pics from our MLK event. The community truly came together to LIVE UNITED!
Well, as you can tell we had a great time! What did you enjoy the most about this MLK Day of Service? Tell us your MLK experience!
Director, Hands On Central Texas