
International Women’s Day Spotlight: Amy Green-Hinojosa

Today is International Women’s Day, a day where women around the world are celebrated for their social, economic, cultural and political achievements. The origins of this day date back to 1908, when female oppression and inequality inspired women to become more vocal and active about gaining better pay and voting rights. We now celebrate this day globally in various ways, ranging from festivals, concerts, female-driven tech conferences and more. 

This year, we are celebrating by highlighting one of UWATX’s longtime female supporters, Amy Green-Hinojosa. Not only is Amy a dedicated Women’s Leadership Council member, but she is also an Employee Campaign Leader at her workplace, Texas Mutual. As an Employee Campaign Leader, Amy plays a critical role in leading and inspiring her co-workers and employees to give back to our community through campaign. It is investors, volunteers and community leaders like Amy, and their continuous support, that allow our organization to thrive and make Austin greater. We took some time to chat with Amy about her background and involvement with UWATX and why she is invested in this community.

How long have you been involved with United Way and in what capacities?

I have been contributing to United Way since I began my adult career, first in California, then here in Texas. I have been an ECL many times in my career. I was active in the Austin Young Leaders Society in my younger days ,and then I transitioned to the WLC. I served on the Executive Committee of WLC for a few years before I had to step down after becoming a mom for the first time.

What first inspired you to join WLC?

I really believe in their mission and I love to be a part of an organization that brings together amazing, powerful women with great purpose. As a mom of young children, I believe greatly in the need for early education and intervention for our kids, especially those with limited resources.

Why do you think it’s important to give back to your community?

I grew up in a household that put high importance in giving back. My parents taught me that whatever your status in life you have an obligation to give back in some way. It did not always mean you gave back monetarily, but you also gave your time and talent. My husband and I are trying to raise our sons the same way. I believe that whatever energy you put out into the universe comes back to you many times over.

As an ECL, how do you inspire your employees to give during campaign? What sort of activities do you put on at Texas Mutual?

I think the most important thing to do is to give employees the opportunity to make a connection to the activities/programs/missions of the partner agencies. I believe that if people understand the good work that is being done, they will want to be a part of it; whether it is giving of their time, talent or making a financial contribution.

This year, we hosted a United Way Programming Fair for all of our corporate employees to enjoy. We had 11 UWATX programs and funded partners onsite to provide information to our staff. We also had carnival games, raffle prizes and lunch to encourage people to attend. We had an amazing turnout, and it showed in our pledge dollars and the number of people signing up to become volunteers.

What type of volunteer activities does Texas Mutual undertake?

We offer a number of volunteer activities to our staff. We always participate at a United Way for Greater Austin Day of Caring, often at Webb Middle School. Our regional offices take time multiple times a year to volunteer at different agencies. We also do onsite volunteer activities like making pre-school bookmarks and putting together backpacks and school supplies for back to school. Many times individual work groups use volunteer activities as team-building events.

What do you think make Austin greater?

I wholeheartedly believe it is the people. It seems to me that Austin attracts people who consistently think about others and strive to make the world a better place.

Know any outstanding women that you want to give a shout out to? Tweet us at @uwatx and use the hashtag #IWD2016