
Insurance professionals issue a challenge: we can give more

Insurance Industry Challenge - 2013

Last year, 13 insurance industry partners in the Greater Austin area raised nearly a quarter of a million dollars through UWATX Employee Giving Campaigns to support their communities. But some of our partners think they can do more, so they’ve issued a challenge to the industry to increase giving by 25 percent.


In Texas, the insurance industry represents 174,000 employees and accounts for $24.7B in Gross State Product. The insurance industry not only plays an important role in supporting the Austin economy, it also represents a significant and growing employment base.

The work of insurance professionals extends well beyond the responsibility to collect premiums and settle claims. These professionals have a solid track record in serving people in their greatest time of need.

That’s why our partners at State Auto, Columbia Insurance Group and Texas Mutual are leading the charge for more companies and individuals to invest their time and money to help solve some of the greatest needs in our community. They’re joined by leaders from Centatico, Farmers Insurance Group, Nationwide, New York Life, State Farm, Superior HealthPlan, Texas Medical Liability Trust (TMLT), Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA) & United Health Group.

Over the next few months, these advocates will work with UWATX to reach out to trade publications, go to industry events and talk with their peers in the industry. UWATX will work with interested companies and individuals to find a way to give that works for them, whether it be an employee giving campaign, volunteer opportunities, giving individually online or growing their philanthropy with leadership development.

The Insurance Industry Challenge kicked off in early August at Threadgills – 70 professionals from 36 companies joined UWATX.

Interested in joining the Insurance Industry Challenge? Get involved today!

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