With half of all Americans living paycheck to paycheck and rising credit card and household debt, financial literacy is more important than ever. A coalition of Austin organizations and officials are teaming up to create Financial Fitness Greater Austin 2008, the week of April 21st, to highlight National Financial Literacy Month and promote financial education in our community. Organizing partners include the United Way Capital Area, the Alliance for Economic Inclusion, Senator Kirk Watson, and the Financial Literacy Coalition of Central Texas. Over 25 local banks, credit unions, professional organizations, and nonprofits have signed on to support and promote the initiative. We need your help to make this week a success!
Volunteers are needed during Financial Fitness Greater Austin 2008 & throughout the year.
Volunteer with Adults through the Financial Literacy Coalition of Central Texas
The Financial Literacy Coalition of Central Texas, FLCCT, is recruiting volunteers to teach basic financial literacy topics to adults in community settings. Training will be held from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. over three days — April 1, 3 and 8. Click here to volunteer.
Volunteer with Children through Junior Achievement
Junior Achievement is recruiting volunteers to teach over 60 classes to local students, K-12th grade, about business and the free enterprise system. Each grade has curriculum and materials related to the age group. The lessons are fun, short and hands-on. Click here to volunteer.
Host a Financial Education Event
As part of the events of the week, our goal is to offer financial education classes at 10 workplace locations in the Austin area. We can provide, at no charge, trained, unbiased instructors to address topics of your choice or work with you to find an option that best fits your needs and the needs of your staff. Studies have shown that financial education in the workplace increases employee productivity and satisfaction and has a clear bottom line return for employers.
For more information, please contact Amanda Ryan at amanda.ryan@unitedwayaustin.org or 512-382-8598.