
Early Childhood Health Bill Moving Today!

From Texans Care For Children:

What’s at stake:
Doctors around the state report a significant increase in the number of overweight toddler and preschool age children in Texas. Although Texas has worked to address child obesity in school-age children, a new bill under consideration represents the state’s first concerted effort to focus on the health, nutrition, and physical activity of children under the age of six.

What’s in the bill:
Senate Bill 395 (Lucio) would create an Early Childhood Health and Nutrition Interagency Council to assess the health of young children and identify best practices for improving early childhood health through nutrition and physical activity. The Council would create a plan to increase fruit and vegetable consumption and physical activity among young children, increase awareness of benefits of breastfeeding, and engage community resources to promote nutrition education. Learn more.

SB 395 is scheduled to go before committee this
TODAY. Take action NOW

  1. Let the committee know you support SB 395. Come to the Capitol and put in a card of support for the bill. You may also come and testify, or–if you can’t come in person–email committee staff, Jordan Head, with your testimony or comments in support of the bill at: The hearing begins at 9 a.m. To learn more and see other bills that will be heard: click here.
  2. Urge committee members to move the bill forward to the Senate floor for a vote. Call or email Committee Members (email forms can be found at the links below). If you are in one of these senator’s districts, let them know you are a constituent who cares about this bill:

    Chair Jane Nelson: (512) 463-0112

    Vice Chair Bob Deuell: (512) 463-0102

    Senator Joan Huffman: (512) 463-0117

    Senator Robert Nichols: (512) 463-0103

    Senator Dan Patrick: (512) 463-0107

    Senator Eliot Shapleigh: (512) 463-0129

    Senator Carlos Uresti: (512) 463-0119

    Senator Royce West: (512) 463-0123

    Senator Judith Zaffirini: (512) 463-0121

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