One of our 3 Focus Areas moving forward is Financial Stability. We feel, in order to close the “opportunity gap” that exists here in Central Texas, that it’s vital to help provide those paths to financial stability for all our community, in order for all to prosper.
Unfortunately, a new report shows there is much work to be done here. In fact currently Texas gets an F for financial security.
The national Corporation for Enterprise Development (CFED) recently released the 2007-2008 Assets and Opportunity Scorecard, which shows that Texas was just one of five states that earned an “F” based on poor performance in the following areas: Financial Security, Business Development, Homeownership, Health Care, and Education.
To learn more, check about the following links —
CPPP report – written by Don Baylor, a member of our Financial Stability Leadership Council
Austin Business Journal article:
CFED website:
Our plans for Financial Stability