We’re midway through our 6 month “Tools for Community Change” workshops and this month we want to inform you how we want to change community conditions through the areas of Education, Financial Stability and Health as well as how we’re going to engage 100,000 people in this change. Interested? Come check it out…
Community Innovation Workshops – Presented by the University of Texas, United Way Capital Area and Hands On Central Texas.
Changing Community Conditions
United Way’s purpose is to engage and unite the community to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to succeed and advance the common good. Come find out how United Way plans to change community conditions through the areas of education, health and financial stability, and to create opportunities for individuals, families and neighborhoods to succeed.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
United Way Offices: 2000 E. MLK Jr. Blvd, Austin, TX 78702
To register for this session, go to http://www.handsoncentraltexas.org/
Director, Hands On Central Texas