Are you or someone you know a member of the east Austin senior community, and need assistance with Medicare Part D Enrollment or a flu shot?
Catholic Charities of Central Texas, in partnership with the Texas Department of Insurance, Travis County Health Department, and the Area Agency on Aging is sponsoring a community outreach, Medicare Part D Enrollment, on Friday, November 21st, 2008 from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. at their main office at 1817 East 6th Street, Austin, TX. 78702.
(Caridades Católicas de Tejas Central, en sociedad con el departamento de Tejas de Seguro, el departamento de la salud del condado de Travis, y la agencia del área en el envejecimiento están patrocinando ayuda a la comunidad, con inscripción de la parte D de Seguro de enfermedad Medicare y prescripciones de medicinas, el viernes 21 de noviembre de 2008 del 10:00 de la mañana hasta las 2:00 de la tarde en su oficina principal en 1817 la calle seis del este, Austin, TX. 78702. )
In addition to the Medicare Part D Enrollment, free flu shots will be available on a first come first served basis.
The target audience for this event is the east Austin senior community as well as Catholic Charities internal clients. Their mission is to help with the high costs of prescriptions by equipping participants with knowledge and access to the on-line open enrollment, in a safe, friendly environment.
Several bilingual staff and volunteers will be available to help seniors access their information. Catholic Charities asks that you bring with you a detailed list of all your current prescriptions and your Social Security and Medicare numbers.
If you have any questions, please email or call their free information line at 866.203.8083.