We are proud to announce our new United Way for Greater Austin (UWATX) Success By 6 Center Project – an ambitious initiative to help 14 child care centers serving low-income populations meet and keep high-quality ratings. Our goal is to double the number of low-income children in the kind of care that changes lives.
Center were selected based different criteria, including the number of low-income children they serve, and ratings from our Women”s Leadership Council. Our partners are:
For a child to thrive, they need quality support in their life. That’s why UWATX is focusing on providing child care centers the key benefits that will truly make a difference in children’s lives.
From a strong relationship with parents to supportive teachers and well-prepared child care directors, children depend on adults to help them thrive in the critical early years and our research shows that teachers are interested in increasing their education. UWATX is supporting continuing professional development for teachers and funding a mentorship program for center directors.
We are also recruiting and training individuals to act as substitutes so that staff members can attend professional development opportunities while maintaining a high standard of care for children.
Children also need safe facilities, engaging toys and books and educational materials. To fit these needs, UWATX is leveraging in-kind support through our networks to collect materials. We are also casino online providing tools like the High Scope math curriculum to build a strong foundation in math and kickstart children’s STEM education.
Children are also developing their social-emotional skills in the early years, so we are providing social emotional learning support by funding licensed mental health professionals to provide on-site mentoring and counseling for children, teachers and other educators.
And through it all, UWATX will be analyzing the data and coordinating services to ensure this project is efficient and effective so our children have the support they need to thrive.
We’ve already started – at our launch lunch yesterday, center staff received books and art supplies from an in-kind drive that UWATX held this summer and bowls that children and teachers can use for all kinds of cooking and dramatic play.
Special thanks to the Lowe Foundation, Tapestry Foundation, National Instruments, JPMorgan Chase, Kerbey Lane and Delta Kappa Gamma for their support!